
Architecture beyond esthetics and function
Driven by the constant flux, we are developing a more profound understanding of the connection between human experience and architecture by way of research.

Resilient Future 
Accelerated technological advancements and urbanization are transforming the way we communicate, how we live, the way we work, and how we participate in public life. Optimizations and reconfigurations of spaces for evolving people’s needs and market rules have become inevitable.

We employ a system-thinking approach to the analysis bolstered by our already extensive non-project-related research by handling complexity and understanding that wants, needs, and expectations.
Trend and market research
Expert interviews
best practise
Pre- and post-occupancy survey
User need analysis
Prioritizing long-term value creation at the time of the increasing level of dynamism and uncertainty is imperative for economic, social, and environmental health.
Multi-stakeholder Workhops
Co-creation of a roadmap
Spatial strategy
Economic Viability
Scenario Planning
We apply cross-functional thinking to reach innovation. This framework inspects whether the solution is desirable, feasible, and viable.
Virtual and graphic simulation
Customer integration
We strive to create a better future by creating spaces that enable encounters and foster interaction that, by virtue, generate experiences for people. Our concepts are led by visionary and flexible ideas for an adaptable and sustainable future.

We think beyond the task’s limits and develop visions and ideas in internal and external workshop sessions. We aim to identify the best possible solution, and our designs go through rigorous testings before reaching the client’s desk.
Workshop sessions
Digital collaboration
Disruptive transformation processes are forcing us to rethink the traditional use of space and spatial features. We are exploring the potential of hybrids as social incubators for communities.
Urban design
Future of Work
Interior architecture
To determine the feasibility of various solutions, resolve technical risks attached to the development regarding performance and compatibility; in the final phase of the concept development, we test and improve our ideas against different criteria.
Brief fulfillment
Cost estimation
Cradle 2 Cradle
We are convinced that architecture is about more than just designing visual aesthetics. We take our social, environmental, and economic responsibility seriously Digitized workflows and a broad field of expertise enable us to identify the best possible solution.

Man is consuming the earth’s capital faster than nature’s ability to regenerate itself. As such, we bear the responsibility for slowing down the earth’s erosion in any way we can – every day pushing further.
Passive sustainable design
Active sustainable design
Rainwater management
Reuse & recycle
Digitized workflows
Our systemic approach enables us to design and plan thoroughly and consistently digitally. Digitized workflows allow us to be more efficient and autonomous while creating a transparent planning environment.
Single point of contact
Experts from various fields ensure the project’s quality while minimizing risks and maximizing productive time by offering a single point of contact for the coordination, design, scheduling, costing, and supervision of the construction.
Project management
Cost and schedule management
Construction management
General planning