“A cheer for human encounters” – this is the title of the trade journal industrieBAU’s report on the new Siemens Healthineers Campus in Bengaluru, India.
Issue 5/2021 of industrieBAU is about international construction. This topic is illustrated by our current project for Siemens Healthineers, the construction of a new Research & Development Campus in Bengaluru, India.
Emerging as the winner of the international competition and subsequently commissioned as general planner, we began planning in spring 2021. The groundbreaking ceremony for the 175,000 m² GFA project will already take place in spring 2022
On three double pages, industrieBAU presents the campus and also focuses in particular on the communicative approach of the campus.
The human encounter, the varied circulation on the campus is to be given an inspiring stage in the architectural landscape designed by Eller + Eller Architekten together with Arup and Rainer Schmidt Landschaftsarchitekten.
Eller + Eller Architekten were awarded the contract as general planners for the new construction of the Siemens Healthineers Campus Bengaluru in India. With a thoroughly communicative design that also makes sustainable use of climatic features, they were able to prevail over the international competition.