The exhibition “Harald Deilmann – Living Architecture” is now also making a stop in Münster. From 27 April to 2 June 2022, the exhibition on the life and work of architect Harald Deilmann (1920-2008) will be on display at the LWL Landeshaus Münster. Mit seinen Projekten gehörte er über 50 Jahre lang zu den prägenden Architekten der deutschen Nachkriegszeit.
The office of Eller + Eller Architekten is particularly associated with one of Harald Deilmann’s best-known works. We refurbished the former WestLB Dortmund building and converted it into the DoC Dortmund Centre for Medicine and Health. With the express consent of Harald Deilmann’s heirs, we were awarded the planning contract in 2011. We were very aware of the enormous responsibility towards the iconic and listed building, and Prof. Fritz and Erasmus Eller also felt a personal obligation in view of the friendly connection between the Deilmann and Eller families.
An exhibition catalogue has been published to accompany the exhibition, with a contribution by Eller + Eller Architekten. It is entitled “Cultural Memory. From WestLB Dortmund to DoC – Dortmunder Centrum für Medizin und Gesundheit.

Unseren Beitrag zum Ausstellungskatalog können Sie hierin voller Länge nachlesen.
More information in text and pictures is available on the project page.

The exhibition will be on display at the LWL Landeshaus in Münster until 2 June 2022.

With more than 400 pages and numerous illustrations, the exhibition catalogue by the editors Stefan Rethfeld and Wolfgang Sonne is very comprehensive and rich. It is published by Verlag Kettler and costs 42 euros.