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Redevelopment of the Robert Koch Forum, Berlin

The Robert Koch Forum in Berlin is being converted into the “Hertie School of Governance” in the immediate vicinity of Berlin’s government district.

The 12,525 m2 Robert Koch Forum, which is a listed building, is not only due for a complete renovation of the historical structure, but also for a complete reconstruction/new building to ensure its future use for teaching and research.

The private Hertie School of Governance, for example, is to move into the refurbished and converted Forum as the main tenant. The ensemble of buildings covers almost an entire block and stands between the Jakob Kaiser House of Representatives and the ARD Hauptstadtstudio on the Spree.

The Robert Koch Forum in Berlin’s government district is a building complex of great historical value. From 1873 to 1883, the late classicist building was erected on the initiative of the physicist Hermann von Helmholtz as an institute building for the Friedrich Wilhelm University (since 1949 Humboldt University). Nobel Prize winner Robert Koch first presented the tuberculosis pathogen he discovered in the large lecture hall in 1882, and other Nobel Prize winners such as Max Planck, Gustav Hertz and many others also conducted research here. In the course of its long history, the building ensemble has been used by various teaching and research institutions, most recently by the Charité. In a part of the block destroyed during the Second World War, the new building of the ARD Capital Studio went into operation in 1999. The ARD series “Charité” and the series “Babylon Berlin” use the Robert Koch Forum as a true-to-the-original filming location for their journey back in time.

The state-owned BIM Berliner Immobilienmanagement GmbH has commissioned Eller + Eller Architekten within the framework of a VGV procedure with the work phases 6 to 9 of the object planning for the conversion/new construction and renovation of the Robert Koch Forum into the private university “Hertie School of Governance” in Berlin.

Eller + Eller Architekten was chosen for its many years of expertise in the renovation and modernisation of existing buildings, particularly where listed buildings are concerned. For the special service of the construction logistics, which was also commissioned, Eller + Eller Architekten was able to win Drees & Sommer GmbH as a competent planning partner as a subcontractor.

Nutzfläche: ca. 12.525 m² auf 6 Etagen
Construction period: 2020 to 2024

Robert-Koch-Forum, Berlin
Robert-Koch-Forum, Berlin
Robert-Koch-Forum, Berlin
Robert-Koch-Forum, Berlin
Robert-Koch-Forum, Berlin
Robert-Koch-Forum, Berlin
Robert-Koch-Forum, Berlin

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The Hertie School of Governance presents its future home in the Robert Koch Forum in a video.

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