The Robert Koch Forum in Berlin’s government district is being converted into the Hertie School of Governance. It is a significant project that aims to expand and modernise the infrastructure for the Hertie School of Governance. After the renovation, the Robert Koch Forum will be able to offer an even more appealing environment for the Hertie School of Governance.
Continue readingGreat progress on the construction site: Siemens Healthineers Global Campus Bengaluru, India
The excavation pit is dug, the excavators are rolling!!!
The foundation work has already started and there is visible progress on our construction site in Bengaluru, India: The infrastructure is taking shape, the distinctive buildings can already be guessed.
As every year, the NAX sponsors, partners and guests from business and politics met at the Würth Representative Office on Schwanenwerder in Berlin. This time, the focus of the topic was on lectures and discussions on “Sustainability and EU Taxonomy in Architecture and Construction”.
Continue reading3rd prize – Milestone Federal Quarter Competition in Bonn
On 28.04.2023, the jury awarded Eller + Eller Architekten 3rd prize in the two-phase structural engineering competition. Kreer Development GmbH offered a tender for the construction of a new high point with an urban square in the Bundesviertel in Bonn.
Continue readingMilestone Federal Quarter in Bonn
The new construction of a high-rise building in the Federal Quarter of Bonn was developed within the framework of the two-phase restricted competition. The landmark is located in the area of the Federal Quarter Framework Plan, which was adopted by politicians in 2020 and envisages an urban square with high amenity qualities.
Continue readingLaying of the foundation stone
Visions become reality – Laying the foundation stone in Bengaluru, India
What we have so far depicted in visions and visualisations is now becoming reality in Bengaluru, the “new Silicon Valley” in India. The laying of the foundation stone for Siemens Healthineers’ Global Campus Bengaluru is a major milestone for all involved.
The foundation for the new Global Campus was laid by Bernd Montag, CEO Siemens Healthineers, on 15.03.2023.
Eller + Eller Architekten at MIPIM 2023
MIPIM is the leading trade fair for the international real estate industry. Takes place from 14. till 17. März 2023 in Cannes, France. Eller + Eller Architekten are present at MIPIM and participants in the official German Pavilion.
Continue readingDesigning the Future – Summit at Vollgutlager in Berlin
What, how, when, why and where do we want to develop, plan, build and operate in the future? And which products, materials, processes and qualities should be used?
At the Summit, Barabara Gries from Eller + Eller Architekten discussed the use of sustainable materials at the Material Talk.
House of World Cultures is part of the seminar series Monument Conservation on Site
As part of the seminar series “Denkmalpflege vor Ort” of the Architektenkmmer Berlin, experts from the Landesdenkmalamt and Eller + Eller Architekten will give a guided tour of the Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin on 18 October 2022.
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Die digitale Ausstellung 2022 des Netzwerk Architekurexport ist online.
The exhibition focuses on the changes in architecture and construction. With which competences in construction would German offices like to position themselves internationally?
20 years of NAX! NAX Mentors Meeting in Berlin
20 years of NAX!
A very special occasion, which was duly celebrated on 14 September in pleasant autumn temperatures. Eller + Eller Architekten has been an integral part of the Architekturexport network and thus of international exchange for 18 years.
With over 130 guests, NAX sponsors, partners, companions and representatives from politics, industry and business discussed and celebrated at the Würth Representative Office in Berlin-Schwanenwerder. There was an exchange of ideas, discussions, information, toasts and stimulating conversations. Together, they looked back at the beginnings, discussed current topics, opportunities and challenges in panel discussions and dared to look into the future,
Construction Industry Day at the House of World Cultures
In the “Weltwirtschaft” in the House of World Cultures, which we renovated, the Construction Industry Day 2022 took place with great prominence from politics and business.
Continue readingSiemens Healthineers New Global Innovation Center Bengaluru, India
The Bengaluru campus will become the new ‘Innovation Hub’ of Siemens Healthineers India from 2025. The employees will work interdisciplinary in the areas of research, development and production in the approx. 175,000 m² GFA complex. The guiding concept for this innovative working world is characterised by collaboration, communication and transparency as well as extraordinary sustainability.
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